Friday, December 12, 2008

Non-Repeatable Questing For Gil!

Non-Repeatable Questing For Gil!

-By Shuu/Blindseer of Phoenix Server

As almost all players have already noted, it is a very lengthy process to obtain gil in Final Fantasy XI. There are, however, some quests which allow you to take "shortcuts" in the gil making process. Before you go any further in this guide, it is advisable that you obtain Level 4 fame in Bastok, Windurst, San d'Oria and Norg. If you are unsure how to do this, take a look at Tekkub's fame guide, located here.

The following guide is divided up into 3 short sections. A Ninja section, which you will want to avoid if you plan on leveling Ninja, a White Mage section, which you will want to avoid if you plan on taking White Mage to 36, and a Black Mage section, which you will want to avoid if you plan on leveling Black Mage. Please note, that it is advised to use silent oils/prism powders for several of the quests detailed here.

-Note: As I play on the Phoenix server, all prices listed are based on that AH, actual prices on your server may vary-



When starting the Ninja quests, you will need rank 4 (or so) fame in Norg. This is easily obtained by doing either the Shady Business quest in Port Bastok or the Mihgo's Amigos quest in Windurst Woods. You will need about 200 Yagudo Necklaces or 100 Zinc Ores to get to the required amount of fame.

Once you have obtained the proper amount of fame, travel to Norg (Jeuno > Kazham > Yuhtunga Jungle > Sea Serpent Grotto > Norg) and look for the following people: Keal, Heiji, Shivivi, Washu, and Laisrean. These five people will give you the money making quests in Norg.

-Many of these quests require leaving Norg and then coming back, so it is recommended that you set your Home Point in Norg-

1) Keal starts the Tonko: Ichi quest. Tonko: Ichi will net you about 15-20k on the AH. It is recommended, when you do the Tonko: Ichi quest, that you also do the Utsusemi: Ichi quest, as they both have you running around the Sea Serpent Grotto.

2) Heiji starts the Kurayami: Ichi quest. Shining Subligars will cost you anywhere from 400-650gil on the Bastok AH. Kurayami: Ichi, however, nets you about 15k on the AH, for a profit of about 7 or 8k (not a lot, but if you're in Norg, you may as well do it anyway).

3) Shivivi starts the Jubaku: Ichi quest. A damp scroll will cost you anywhere from 3k-6k normally, which isn't bad, considering the amount that Jubaku sells for. Jubaku: Ichi will get you about 40k on the AH, if not a little more. It is recommended you do this one last, as it ends at Horalis Peak (and doesn't require a return trip to Norg)

4) Washu starts the Hojo: Ichi quest. This quest requires a trip into Yhoator Jungle, and then a return trip to Norg. Hojo: Ichi will go for another 40k on the AH.

5) Laisrean starts the most profitable of all the Ninja quests, Utsusemi: Ichi. As mentioned earlier, it is recommended that you do Tonko: Ichi and Utsusemi: Ichi at the same time. Utsusemi: Ichi will fetch anywhere from 110-120k on the AH normally.

For further information on the Ninja quests check this website.

(Total Profit From Ninja Quests: Approximately 220k)

White Mage


There are three profitable quests designed for White Mages that can be undertaken, and completed, at any level (provided you have the proper sneak/invis medicines). They require, however, Rank 4 fame in Bastok, Windurst and Rabao.

Please note that the San d'Orian Teleport Scroll quest (Teleport-Holla) was deliberately left out, as it only sells for about 5k.

1) Windurst: You are looking for a man Gantineux in Windurst Waters. He starts the Teleport-Mea quest. I would recommend, while doing this quest, that you only go to three of the four possible entrances to Eldieme Necropolis, as the fourth entrance has you going through Rangemont Pass and the connecting Glacier. If you don't find the right spot in any of those three entrances, try again later. Teleport-Mea will net you 60-70k on the AH.

2) Bastok: In the Bastok Mines you are looking for a priest named Virnage, who starts the Teleport-Dem quest. Teleport-Dem is fairly easy to do, as long as you don't fall through the holes in the dungeon, and will get you about 30k on the AH.

3) Rabao: When you travel to Rabao, look for a man named Alfesar, Alfesar starts the Teleport-Altep quest. Teleport-Altep will fetch about 25k on the AH.

(Total Profit from White Mage quests: Approximately 135k)

Black Mage


There are four profitable quests that end with Black Mage spells. These four quests are based in Windurst, Bastok and San d'Oria, and once again requires Rank 4 Fame in Windurst, and around the same in San d'Oria and Bastok.


1) Shantotto, who is found in Windurst Walls, starts the Warp 2 quest. Though it requires a dangerous trip through Fei'Yin and Beaucedine Glacier, you'll be fine with Silent Oil and Prism Powder. Completeing this quest results in obtaining the Warp 2 scroll, which can sell for around 40k.

2) Fuepepe, in Windurst Waters, begins the Aspir quest. Rather than fighting to obtain the Test Answers, it is recommended that you simply purchase them from the AH (Windurst's or Jeuno's typically has them in stock). Selling Aspir on the AH will get you another 40k.


1) Unlucky Rat, who is found in the Metalworks, starts the Warp quest. Similar to the Test Answers in Windurst, it is recommended you purchase the slime oil from the Bastok AH. Selling Warp on the AH will get you around 10k.

San d'Oria-

1) Novalmauge, who is inside the castle (Bostaunieux Oubliette), begins the Drain quest. Once again, as I become repetitive, it is recommend you buy the Vial of Beastman's Blood to complete the quest. Drain goes for about 20k on the AH.

(Total Profit from Black Mage quests: Approximately 110k)

Once again, these quests are only recommend if you do not intend on playing that class, as the resulting scrolls are important spells needed for advancing that class. Doing all of the quests, though, should get a person around 465k, if everything sells for the maximum amount. So the next time you see an expensive Emperor's Hairpin or Ochiudo's Kote, and think to yourself "how am I ever going to afford that?," just remember, a lot of money can come from questing.

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