Friday, December 12, 2008

Advanced Guide to Gardening

Advanced Guide to Gardening

When most start off gardening it�s usually just for sh*ts-n-giggles. You�ve got all these seeds and some extra gil, so why not? But the first time that a beginner gets a bumper crop of 20+ fire crystals they go from the sh*ts-n-giggles stage to the �Oh my god, I can make some serious money!� stage.

Your thoughts become consumed with figuring out just what exactly you did to get such a massive yield and then repeating that formula again and again.

But therein lies the rub. See, gardening is like crafting in that you take a set of items, put them all together and get a final product. But even if you use the same pot, the same seed and the same crystal, your results can, and often do, change.

It�s All About Relationships

And I�m not talking about the �Will you be mine� kind of relationships either.

Most of you have seen this at some point or other:


(gotta love ASCII art!)

From this (rather bare bones) diagram, it�s quite easy to see that Fire is strong versus Ice and weak versus Water. These strong and weak relationships are an underlining principle throughout Vana�diel, including gardening.

The elements saturate every aspect, from the seeds, to the flowerpots, to the proper times for planting, feeding and harvesting.

The Elements of the Flowerpots
Earthen Flowerpot = Earth
Brass Flowerpot = Fire
Ceramic Flowerpot = Water
Porcelain Flowerpot = Wind

The Elements of the Seeds
Vegetable seeds = Earth
Grain seeds = Fire
Fruit seeds = Water
Herb seeds = Wind

The Days of the Week

The Phases of the Moon
New Moon
Waxing Crescent Moon
Quarter Moon
Waxing Gibbous Moon
Full Moon
Waning Gibbous Moon
Last Quarter Moon
Waning Crescent Moon

To determine which day of the week it is and what phase the moon is currently in, make use of the �/clock� function. You�ll get your information right there. If you�re not in-game or maybe you just want to get a heads-up on when the Full Moon will occur, head on over to Virtual Vana'diel Timer (it has plenty of other information as well).

Now, when to plant, what to plant, when to feed, etc. is determined by what you want to harvest. There�s a list of commonly known harvests for most of the seed-crystal-pot combinations at the end of this guide. If you see something on there that you like, make note of the seed type, flowerpot type and feed crystal used.

Day To Plant
If you�re going for items (and not Little Worms or Rock Salt), there are two days which are ideal.
1) When the element of the seed and the day are the same.
2) When the element of the seed is strong versus the element of the day.
If crystals are your game, then there are three choices.
(unless you want Light or Dark, then just go to 3)
1) Lightsday
2) Darksday
3) (now this one is tricky) First, you have to know what crystal you are going to feed the plant. Now, locate that element on the elemental relationship wheel. Whatever element your feed crystal is weak versus, is the same element of the day to plant.
Example: I want fire crystals (they�re so useful!) and, according to the elemental relationship wheel, Fire is weak versus Water. So, I would want to plant the seed on Watersday.

Feed the Plant Day
For those desiring items (again, not Rock Salt or Little Worms), you should feed the plant on one of two days
1) The day with the same element as the crystal.
2) The day whose element is weak versus the element of the crystal.
Example: (Fire Crystals aren�t items, but here�s an example anyways) If I want to get Fire Crystals I would feed the seed with a Water Crystal. So, I would want to feed the seed on either Watersday or Firesday.

Harvesting Day
Very simple, the closer to the full moon that you harvest, the larger the yield of your harvest.

Now, for a cautionary note:
Unless you want to harvest rock salt, you should not harvest on the day when the element of the seed and the feed crystal is strong versus the element of the day.
Example: So, lets say I�m using Fruit Seeds to get my Fire Crystals. Fruit Seeds = Water, I used a Water Crystal for feed, so if I were to harvest on Firesday, I�m liable to end up with a hand full of Rock Salt. Not what I wanted.

Some further tips:
- Some believe that the number of times you check the plant influences the harvest. Supposedly, not checking the plant at all gives more crystals and checking it frequently helps with getting a better harvest (i.e. no Little Worms or Rock Salt)

- It is thought that the flowerpots share an affinity for certain regions.
Earthen Flowerpot = Sarutabaruta = Earth Crystal, Tarutaru rice, Kukuru beans, Pototo, Saruta Cotton
Brass Flowerpot = Gustaberg = Fire Crystal, Black Pepper, La Theine Cabbage
Ceramic Flowerpot = Ronfaure = Water Crystal, Millioncorn, Sunflower seeds
Porcelain Flowerpot = Jeuno = Wind Crystal, Blue Peas
What does this affinity mean for you? Crops associated with a region will have higher yields if they�re seeded in the appropriate flowerpot.

- If your feed crystals� element is the same as the element of the seed, you can sometimes get a harvest that can�t be acquired any other way.

- A note on speed of maturing: if the feed crystal is weak versus the seed you�ll have quick growth. And if the feed crystal is strong versus the seed, growth will be slower. Slow growth isn�t always a bad thing, as there can be some crops that can�t be had any other way.

- Little Worms and Rock Salt are typically the result of using a feed crystal that is either the same element as the seed or a feed crystal that is strong versus the seed.

- If you want crystals you should not use a feed crystal that is strong versus the seed. So, don�t feed a Grain Seed with a Water Crystal, or an Herb Seed with an Ice Crystal, etc

- Again, with crystals, if you use a feed crystal that is the same element as the seed, you will get a larger crop of crystals. This only works for four crystals: Ice, Earth, Lightning and Fire. Grain Seed + Fire Crystal = Ice Crystal, Fruit Seed + Water Crystal = Fire Crystal, etc.

- Whenever you check on your plants your moogle will make a comment. Some believe that the harvests vary depending on the comment. They will check the plant until they get the comment they want to hear and then harvest.

Here is the example of a Fire Crystal crop, condensed:
The flowerpot is the Brass Flowerpot.
The seed is the Fruit Seed.
The crystal used is Water Crystal.
Plant the Fruit Seed on either Lightsday, Darksday or Watersday.
Feed the Water Crystal when the plant needs it.
You can do this again, seeing as how the seed is a Fruit Seed. You do not have to.
Harvest should be during the Full Moon, on any day except Firesday.

And here�s the promised chart. It is far from definitive. After each crop is what some have yielded.
The Fruit Seed combinations are quite bare, there are so very many of them. Hopefully we can fill this in.

-*Ceramic Flowerpot*-

-Grain Seeds

*Fire Crystal
Ice Crystal x 4
Red Rock x 1
Tarutaru Rice x 12-13
Little Worm x 7-11

*Earth Crystal
Lightning Crystal x 3-5
Tarutaru Rice x 4-13

*Water Crystal
Blue Peas x 8-12
Rock Salt x 1-4

*Wind Crystal
Earth Crystal x 8-12
Millioncorn x 11-22

*Ice Crystal
Wind Crystal x 8-12
Kukuru Bean x 9-19

*Lightning Crystal
Water Crystal x 17-22
Coral Fungus x 1-4
Marguerite x 2-3
Kukuru Bean x 10

*Light Crystal
Dark Crystal x 2-3
Sunflower Seeds x 10-21

*Dark Crystal
Light Crystal x 2-4
Coral Fungus x 1-5
Tarutaru Rice x 9-17
Deathball x 1
Woozyshroom x 1

* No Crystal
Puffball x 1
Marguerite x 2-4
Rock Salt x 1-3

- Vegetable Seeds

* Fire Crystal
Ice Crystal x 3-5
Popoto x 7-12

* Earth Crystal
Lightning Crystal x 6-8
Yellow Rock x 1
Frost Turnip x 4-11
Little Worm x 6-12

* Water Crystal
Fire Crystal x 9-12
La Theine Cabbage x 3-7

*Wind Crystal
Gysahl Greens x 8-12
Rock Salt x 3-4

*Ice Crystal
Wind Crystal x 10-12
Saruta Cotton x 1-2

* Lightning Crystal
Water Crystal x 10-17
Wild Onion x 2-4

* Light Crystal
White Rock x 2
Ginger x 3-5

* Dark Crystal
Light Crystal x 2-4
Woozyshroom x 1
Deathball x 1
Scream Fungus x 1-2
Black Rock x 1-2

* No Crystal
Lilac x 3-4
Yellow Rock x 2
Rock Salt x 2-4
Woozyshroom x 1
Rain Lily x 6-10

- Herb Seeds

* Fire Crystal
Ice Crystal x 4
Kazham Peppers x 12-22

* Earth Crystal
Lightning Crystal x 3-5
Black Pepper x 5
Carnation x 3-7
Yellow Rock x 1
Bay Leaves x 4

* Water Crystal
Fire Crystal x 8-12
Bay Leaves x 4-7
Blue Peas x 9
La Theine Cabbage x 7

* Wind Crystal
Earth Crystal x 16-20
Green Rock x 1
Sage x 4-7

* Ice Crystal
Sleepshroom x 2
Chamomile x 2-9
Rock Salt x 3-4
Saruta Cotton x 1

* Lightning Crystal
Water Crystal x 10-20
Sobbing Fungus x 1-2
Mhaura Garlic x 5-10

* Light Crystal
Dark Crystal x 4
Mhaura Garlic x 7-8

* Dark Crystal
Light Crystal x 2-4
Deathball x 1
Coral Fungus x 1-3
Black Rock x 1-2
Amaryllis x 3-7
Mhaura Garlic x ?
Scream Fungus x 1

* No Crystal
Carnation x 8-9
Rock Salt x 4

- Fruit Seeds

* Fire Crystal + Fire Crystal
Ice Crystal x 3
Red Rock x 1

* Fire Crystal + Earth Crystal

* Fire Crystal + Water Crystal

* Fire Crystal + Wind Crystal

* Fire Crystal + Ice Crystal

* Fire Crystal + Lightning Crystal

* Fire Crystal + Light Crystal

* Fire Crystal + Dark Crystal
Saruta Orange x 9

* Fire Crystal + No Crystal
Yagudo Cherry x 8
Saruta Orange x 8-10

* Earth Crystal + Fire Crystal

* Earth Crystal + Earth Crystal
Lightning Crystal x 3
Eggplant x 6

* Earth Crystal + Water Crystal
Eggplant x 11

* Earth Crystal + Wind Crystal
San d�Oria Carrot x 8

* Earth Crystal + Ice Crystal

* Earth Crystal + Lightning Crystal

* Earth Crystal + Light Crystal

* Earth Crystal + Dark Crystal

* Earth Crystal + No Crystal
Lightning Crystal x 3-5
San d�Oria Carrot x 15

* Water Crystal + Fire Crystal

* Water Crystal + Earth Crystal
Little Worm x 16
Watermelon x 6

* Water Crystal + Water Crystal
Reishi Mushroom x 1
Blue Rock x 1

* Water Crystal + Wind Crystal

* Water Crystal + Ice Crystal
Little Worm x 14

* Water Crystal+ Lightning Crystal
Fire Crystal x 10-12
Thunder Melon x 3

* Water Crystal + Light Crystal
Fire Crystal x 11

* Water Crystal + Dark Crystal
Fire Crystal x 11
Watermelon x 4

* Water Crystal + No Crystal
Fire Crystal x 9
Blue Peas x 12
Watermelon x 3
Blue Rock x 1

* Wind Crystal + Fire Crystal
Rolanberry x 5

* Wind Crystal + Earth Crystal

* Wind Crystal + Water Crystal

* Wind Crystal + Wind Crystal
Earth Crystal x 12

* Wind Crystal + Ice Crystal
Rolanberry x 5

* Wind Crystal + Lightning Crystal
Rolanberry x 5

* Wind Crystal + Light Crystal

* Wind Crystal + Dark Crystal
Rolanberry x 4-8

* Wind Crystal + No Crystal
Earth Crystal x 9
Rolanberry x 4-8

* Ice Crystal + Fire Crystal

* Ice Crystal + Earth Crystal

* Ice Crystal + Water Crystal

* Ice Crystal + Wind Crystal
Mithran Tomato x 11

* Ice Crystal + Ice Crystal
Wind Crystal x 11
Buburimu Grape x 8
Blue Rock x 1

* Ice Crystal + Lightning Crystal

* Ice Crystal + Light Crystal
Mithran Tomato x 12

* Ice Crystal + Dark Crystal

* Ice Crystal + No Crystal

* Lightning Crystal + Fire Crystal

* Lightning Crystal + Earth Crystal
Derfland Pear x 4

* Lightning Crystal + Water Crystal
Coral Fungus x 3

* Lightning Crystal + Wind Crystal

* Lightning Crystal + Ice Crystal
Delfland Pear x 5

* Lightning Crystal + Lightning Crystal
Coral Fungus x 1

* Lightning Crystal + Light Crystal

* Lightning Crystal + Dark Crystal

* Light Crystal + Fire Crystal

* Light Crystal + Earth Crystal

* Light Crystal + Water Crystal

* Light Crystal + Wind Crystal

* Light Crystal + Ice Crystal

* Light Crystal + Lightning Crystal

* Light Crystal + Light Crystal
Reishi Mushroom x 1

* Light Crystal + Dark Crystal

* Light Crystal + No Crystal
Reishi Mushroom x 1

* Dark Crystal + Fire Crystal

* Dark Crystal + Earth Crystal

* Dark Crystal + Water Crystal
Blue Rock x 1

* Dark Crystal + Wind Crystal
Yagudo Cherry x 8

* Dark Crystal + Ice Crystal

* Dark Crystal + Lightning Crystal

* Dark Crystal + Light Crystal

* Dark Crystal + Dark Crystal
Light Crystal x 3
Danceshroom x 1
Black Rock x 1-2

* Dark Crystal + No Crystal
Deathball x 1
Yagudo Cherry x 16

* No Crystal + Fire Crystal

* No Crystal + Earth Crystal
Earth Crystal x 18
Delfland Pear x 5

* No Crystal + Water Crystal

* No Crystal + Wind Crystal
Delfland Pear x 5

* No Crystal + Ice Crystal

* No Crystal + Lightning Crystal

* No Crystal + Light Crystal

* No Crystal + Dark Crystal

* No Crystal + No Crystal
Reishi Mushroom x 1
Rock Salt x 3-4
Blue Rock x 1

-*Brass Flowerpot*-

-Grain Seeds

*Fire Crystal
Ice Crystal x 3-4
Red Rock x 1
Tarutaru Rice x 8-13
Little Worm x 6-12

* Earth Crystal
Lightning Crystal x 4-5
Tarutaru Rice x 4-9

* Water Crystal
Blue Peas x 8-12
Kukuru Bean x 11
Rock Salt x 1

* Wind Crystal
Earth Crystal x 8-10
Millioncorn x 11-20

* Ice Crystal
Wind Crystal x 9-10
Kukuru Bean x 8-11

* Lightning Crystal
Water Crystal x 10-12
Coral Fungus x 2-5
Marguerite x 3-5
Tarutaru Rice x 8-13

* Light Crystal
Dark Crystal x 3-4
Sunflower Seeds x 8-12

* Dark Crystal
Light Crystal x 2-4
Coral Fungus x 1-3
Scream Fungus x 1
Tarutaru Rice x 12

* No Crystal
Puffball x 1
Marguerite x 2-5
Red Rock x 1
Rock Salt x 3-4

- Vegetable Seeds

* Fire Crystal
Ice Crystal x 3-5
Popoto x 16-19

* Earth Crystal
Lightning Crystal x 6-8
Yellow Rock x 1
Frost Turnip x 6-10
Little Worm x 8-12

* Water Crystal
Fire Crystal x 16-19
La Theine Cabbage. x 6-10
Rock Salt x 1

* Wind Crystal
Gysahl Greens x 8-12
Rock Salt x 4

* Ice Crystal
Wind Crystal x 8
Saruta Cotton x 1-2

* Lightning Crystal
Water Crystal x 8-12
Wild Onion x 2-6

* Light Crystal
White Rock x 1
Ginger x 4

* Dark Crystal
Light Crystal x 2-4
Woozyshroom x 1
Deathball x 1
Scream Fungus x 1-2
Coral Fungus x 3
Black Rock x 1-2

* No Crystal
Woozyshroom x 1
Rain Lily x 9-10
Lilac x 5
Rock Salt x 1-4
Yellow Rock x 2

- Herb Seeds

* Fire Crystal
Ice Crystal x 3-4
Kazham Pepper x 10-22

* Earth Crystal
Lightning Crystal x 3-4
Black Pepper x 8-10
Carnation x 3-5

* Water Crystal
Fire Crystal x 16-20
Bay Leaves x 4-8

* Wind Crystal
Sage x 4-5
Green Rock x 1
Little Worm x 8

* Ice Crystal
Chamomile x 6-8
Rock Salt x 2-3

* Lightning Crystal
Water Crystal x 9-12
Sobbing Fungus x 1-2
Mhaura Garlic x 4-9

* Light Crystal
Dark Crystal x 4
Mhaura Garlic x 7-12
White Rock x 1

* Dark Crystal
Light Crystal x 2-5
Deathball x 1
Black Rock x 1
Amaryllis x 4-7
Mhaura Garlic x 5

* No Crystal
Sobbing Fungus x 1
Carnation x 6-9
Rock Salt x 1

- Fruit Seeds

* Fire Crystal + Fire Crystal
Ice Crystal x 4
Red Rock x 1

* Fire Crystal + Earth Crystal

* Fire Crystal + Water Crystal
Ice Crystal x 5

* Fire Crystal + Wind Crystal
Saruta Orange x 11

* Fire Crystal + Ice Crystal

* Fire Crystal + Lightning Crystal

* Fire Crystal + Light Crystal

* Fire Crystal + Dark Crystal
Yagudo Cherry x 9

* Fire Crystal + No Crystal

* Earth Crystal + Fire Crystal
San d�Oria Carrot x 10

* Earth Crystal + Earth Crystal
Eggplant x 11-17

* Earth Crystal + Water Crystal

* Earth Crystal + Wind Crystal

* Earth Crystal + Ice Crystal

* Earth Crystal + Lightning Crystal

* Earth Crystal + Light Crystal

* Earth Crystal + Dark Crystal

* Earth Crystal + None Crystal
Lightning Crystal x 3
San d�Oria Carrot x 6

* Water Crystal + Fire Crystal

* Water Crystal + Earth Crystal

* Water Crystal + Water Crystal
Watermelon x 7-9
Blue Rock x 1

* Water Crystal + Wind Crystal

* Water Crystal + Ice Crystal
Watermelon x 3-6

* Water Crystal + Lightning Crystal
Fire Crystal x 17
Watermelon x 7
Thunder Melon x 3

* Water Crystal + Light Crystal

* Water Crystal + Dark Crystal

* Water Crystal + No Crystal
Fire Crystal x 16-20
Watermelon x 3-6
Blue Rock x 1
Reishi Mushroom x 1
Little Worm x 6-12

* Wind Crystal + Fire Crystal

* Wind Crystal + Earth Crystal
Rolanberry x 4

* Wind Crystal + Water Crystal
San d�Oria Grape x 22

* Wind Crystal + Wind Crystal
Wind Crystal + Ice Crystal

* Wind Crystal + Lightning Crystal

* Wind Crystal + Light Crystal

* Wind Crystal + Dark Crystal

* Wind Crystal + No Crystal
Rolanberry x 5

* Ice Crystal + Fire Crystal
Wind Crystal x 8

* Ice Crystal + Earth Crystal
Mithran Tomato x 12

* Ice Crystal + Water Crystal
Wind Crystal x 9-10
Buburimu Grape x 8-10

* Ice Crystal + Wind Crystal

* Ice Crystal + Ice Crystal
Blue Rock x 1

* Ice Crystal + Lightning Crystal

* Ice Crystal + Light Crystal

* Ice Crystal + Dark Crystal

* Ice Crystal + No Crystal

* Lightning Crystal + Fire Crystal

* Lightning Crystal + Earth Crystal

* Lightning Crystal + Water Crystal

* Lightning Crystal + Wind Crystal

* Lightning Crystal + Ice Crystal

* Lightning Crystal + Lightning Crystal
Coral Fungus x 1-4

* Lightning Crystal + Light Crystal

* Lightning Crystal + Dark Crystal
Derfland Pear x 4-5

* Lightning Crystal + No Crystal
Rock Salt x 4

* Light Crystal + Fire Crystal

* Light Crystal + Earth Crystal

* Light Crystal + Water Crystal

* Light Crystal + Wind Crystal

* Light Crystal + Ice Crystal

* Light Crystal + Lightning Crystal
Dark Crystal x 2

* Light Crystal + Light Crystal

* Light Crystal + Dark Crystal

* Light Crystal + No Crystal
Rock Salt x 3

* Dark Crystal + Fire Crystal

* Dark Crystal + Earth Crystal

* Dark Crystal + Water Crystal

* Dark Crystal + Wind Crystal
Light Crystal x 2-4
Green Rock x 1
Danceshroom x 1
Yagudo Cherry x 16
Rock Salt x 4

* Dark Crystal + Ice Crystal

* Dark Crystal + Lightning Crystal

* Dark Crystal + Light Crystal

* Dark Crystal + Dark Crystal
Light Crystal x 3-4
Danceshroom x 1

* Dark Crystal + No Crystal
Light Crystal x 2
Yagudo Cherry x 8-16
Rock Salt x 4

* No Crystal + Fire Crystal
Delfland Pear x 6

* No Crystal + Earth Crystal
Rock Salt x 3

* No Crystal + Water Crystal
Little Worm x 9

* No Crystal + Wind Crystal
Delfland Pear x 5

* No Crystal + Ice Crystal
Wind Crystal x 9

* No Crystal + Light Crystal
Light Crystal x 4
Rock Salt x 3

* No Crystal + Dark Crystal
Rock Salt x 4

* No Crystal + No Crystal
Reishi Mushroom x 1
Blue Rock x 1
Rock Salt x 1-2

-*Earthen Flowerpot*-

- Grain Seeds

* Fire Crystal
Ice Crystal x 4-6
Red Rock x 1
Tarutaru Rice x 14-16

* Earth Crystal
Lightning Crystal x 3-5
Tarutaru Rice x 8-13
Water Crystal
Blue Peas x 6-20
Bay Leaves x 6
Rock Salt x 1-3

* Wind Crystal
Earth Crystal x 11-17
Millioncorn x 10-12

* Ice Crystal
Wind Crystal x 9
Kukuru Bean x 16-20
Saruta Cotton x 2

* Lightning Crystal
Water Crystal x 8-12
Coral Fungus x 1-5
Marguerite x 2-5

* Light Crystal
Dark Crystal x 4
Sunflower Seeds x 9-16

* Dark Crystal
Light Crystal x 2-4
Coral Fungus x 1-5
Tarutaru Rice x 12-17

* No Crystal
Puffball x 1
Marguerite x 2-5
Red Rock x 1
Rock Salt x 4

-Vegetable Seeds

* Fire Crystal
Ice Crystal x 3-5
Popoto x 10-19
Little Worm x 11

* Earth Crystal
Lightning Crystal x 4-8
Yellow Rock x 1
Frost Turnip x 9
Little Worm x 6
Gysahl Greens x 9-12

* Water Crystal
Fire Crystal x 8-12
La Theine Cabbage 5-7
Saruta Cotton x 2

* Wind Crystal
Gysahl Greens x 8-10
Millioncorn x 11
Rock Salt x 2-3

* Ice Crystal
Wind Crystal x 10
Saruta Cotton x 2-3

* Lightning Crystal
Water Crystal x 6-12
Wild Onion x 1-5

* Light Crystal
Ginger x 3

* Dark Crystal
Light Crystal x 2-3
Woozyshroom x 1
Deathball x 1
Screamshroom x 1-2
Black Rock x 1-2

* No Crystal
Woozyshroom x 1
Rock Salt x 2-3
Yellow Rock x 2
Rain Lily x 7
Lilac x 2-5

- Herb Seeds

* Fire Crystal
Ice Crystal x 3-5
Kazham Pepper x 12-20
Little Worm x 2

* Earth Crystal
Lightning Crystal x 3-5
Black Pepper x 4-5
Carnation x 4-7

* Water Crystal
Fire Crystal x 9-16
Bay Leaves x 4-8
Marguerite x 4
Rock Salt x 3

* Wind Crystal
Earth Crystal x 24-28
Sage x 4-7
Green Rock x 1
Little Worm x 11

* Ice Crystal
Chamomile x 4-8
Sleepshroom x 1-3
Rock Salt x 1-4

* Lightning Crystal
Water Crystal x 8-12
Sobbing Fungus x 1-2
Mhaura Garlic x 9

* Light Crystal
Dark Crystal x 3-4
Mhaura Garlic x 8-13
White Rock x 1
Puffball x 1

* Dark Crystal
Light Crystal x 3-4
Deathball x 1
Black Rock x 1
Amaryllis x 2-7

* No Crystal
Green Rock x 1
Sobbing Fungus x 1
Carnation x 7-9
Rock Salt x 2-5

- Fruit Seeds

* Fire Crystal + Fire Crystal
Ice Crystal x 3-4
Yagudo Cherry x 16-18
Red Rock x 1

* Fire Crystal + Earth Crystal
Ice Crystal x 5
Saruta Orange x 18

* Fire Crystal + Water Crystal
Saruta Orange x 25-26
Yagudo Cherry x 25

* Fire Crystal + Wind Crystal
Saruta Orange 11-19

* Fire Crystal + Ice Crystal
Ice Crystal x 4

* Fire Crystal + Lightning Crystal

* Fire Crystal + Light Crystal
Yagudo Cherry x 19

* Fire Crystal + Dark Crystal

* Fire Crystal + No Crystal
Ice Crystal x 3-5
Yagudo Cherry x 18
Saruta Orange x 16-20

* Earth Crystal + Fire Crystal
San d�Oria Carrot x 4

* Earth Crystal + Earth Crystal
Lightning Crystal x 4
Eggplant x 9

* Earth Crystal + Water Crystal
Eggplant x 12

* Earth Crystal + Wind Crystal

* Earth Crystal + Ice Crystal

* Earth Crystal + Lightning Crystal

* Earth Crystal + Light Crystal

* Earth Crystal + Dark Crystal

* Earth Crystal + No Crystal
Lightning Crystal x 3-4
San d�Oria Carrot x 9-11

* Water Crystal + Fire Crystal

* Water Crystal + Earth Crystal
Eggplant x 10

* Water Crystal + Water Crystal
Watermelon x 3-9
Reishi Mushroom x 1
Eggplant x 7-9

* Water Crystal + Wind Crystal

* Water Crystal + Ice Crystal
Watermelon x 3-6

* Water Crystal + Lightning Crystal

* Water Crystal + Light Crystal

* Water Crystal + Dark Crystal

* Water Crystal + No Crystal
Watermelon x 4
Blue Rock x 1

* Wind Crystal + Fire Crystal

* Wind Crystal + Earth Crystal

* Wind Crystal + Water Crystal

* Wind Crystal + Wind Crystal
San d�Oria Grape x 10-11

* Wind Crystal + Ice Crystal

* Wind Crystal + Lightning Crystal

* Wind Crystal + Light Crystal

* Wind Crystal + Dark Crystal
Rolanberry x 4

* Wind Crystal + No Crystal
Earth Crystal x 26
Rolanberry x 4

* Ice Crystal + Fire Crystal
Mithran Tomato x 17

* Ice Crystal + Earth Crystal

* Ice Crystal + Water Crystal
Wind Crystal x 9-12
Buburimu Grape x 9-18

* Ice Crystal + Wind Crystal

* Ice Crystal + Ice Crystal
Buburimu Grape x 11-18

* Ice Crystal + Lightning Crystal
Kukuru Bean x ?

* Ice Crystal + Light Crystal

* Ice Crystal + Dark Crystal

* Ice Crystal + None Crystal
Wind Crystal x 12
Mithran Tomato x 12-16

* Lightning Crystal + Fire Crystal

* Lightning Crystal + Earth Crystal

* Lightning Crystal + Water Crystal
Coral Fungus x 1-2
Thunder Melon x 3

* Lightning Crystal + Wind Crystal

* Lightning Crystal + Ice Crystal
Delfland Pear x 7

* Lightning Crystal + Lightning Crystal
Coral Fungus x 3
Rock Salt x 2-4

* Lightning Crystal + Light Crystal
Delfland Pear x 4

* Lightning Crystal + Dark Crystal

* Lightning Crystal + No Crystal
Delfland Pear x 10
Rock Salt x 2-3

* Light Crystal + Fire Crystal

* Light Crystal + Earth Crystal

* Light Crystal + Water Crystal

* Light Crystal + Wind Crystal

* Light Crystal + Ice Crystal

* Light Crystal + Lightning Crystal

* Light Crystal + Light Crystal
Faerie Apple x 23

* Light Crystal + Dark Crystal
Faerie Apple x 12

* Light Crystal + No Crystal
White Rock x 1

* Dark Crystal + Fire Crystal
Light Crystal x 3-4
Yagudo Cherry x 16-26
Saruta Orange x 24-28
Red Rock x 1

* Dark Crystal + Earth Crystal
Saruta Orange x 27

* Dark Crystal + Water Crystal
Danceshroom x 1

* Dark Crystal + Wind Crystal
Light Crystal x 4

* Dark Crystal + Ice Crystal

* Dark Crystal + Lightning Crystal
Light Crystal x 2
Purple Rock x 1

* Dark Crystal + Light Crystal

* Dark Crystal + Dark Crystal Light Crystal x 3-4
Danceshroom x 1
Black Rock x 1-2

* Dark Crystal + No Crystal
Light Crystal x ?
Danceshroom x 1
Yagudo Cherry x 25

* No Crystal + Fire Crystal

* No Crystal + Earth Crystal
Lightning Crystal x 3
Yellow Rock x 1

* No Crystal + Water Crystal
Watermelon x 7

* No Crystal + Wind Crystal
Green Rock x 1

* No Crystal + Ice Crystal
Rock Salt x 4

* No Crystal + Lightning Crystal
Purple Rock x 1

* No Crystal + Light Crystal
Light Crystal x 2-3
White Rock x 1
Faerie Apple x 9

* No Crystal + Dark Crystal
Black Rock x 1

* No Crystal + No Crystal
Blue Rock x 1
Rock Salt x 1-4

-*Porcelain Flowerpot*-

- Grain Seeds

* Fire Crystal
Ice Crystal x 3-4
Tarutaru Rice x 12

* Earth Crystal
Lightning Crystal x 3-5
Tarutaru Rice x 4-9

* Water Crystal
Blue Peas x 9-20

* Wind Crystal
Earth Crystal x 11
Millioncorn x 10-11

* Ice Crystal
Wind Crystal x 16-20
Kukuru Bean x 7-12

* Lightning Crystal
Coral Fungus x 1-3
Marguerite x 3-5

* Light Crystal
Sunflower Seeds x 6-12
Ginger x 5

* Dark Crystal
Light Crystal x 2-4
Coral Fungus x 1-5
Tarutaru Rice x 9-13

* No Crystal
Puffball x 1
Marguerite x 4-5
Red Rock x 1

- Vegetable Seeds

* Fire Crystal
Ice Crystal x 5
Popoto x 9-17

* Earth Crystal
Lightning Crystal x 6-7
Frost Turnip x 5-11
Yellow Rock x 1
Little Worm x 9-10

* Water Crystal
Fire Crystal x 11-12
La Theine Cabbage. 3-7

* Wind Crystal
Rock Salt x 1
Gysahl Greens x 9-12

* Ice Crystal
Wind Crystal x 17-20
Saruta Cotton x 1-2

* Lightning Crystal
Water Crystal x 8-12
Wild Onion x 1-4

* Light Crystal
Ginger x 5-7

* Dark Crystal
Light Crystal x 2-4
Woozyshroom x 1
Deathball x 1
Screamshroom x 1-2
Black Rock x 1-2
Ginger x 10

* No Crystal
Lilac x 2-4
Rain Lily x 10
Yellow Rock x 2
Rock Salt x 3
Woozyshroom x 1

- Herb Seeds

* Fire Crystal
Ice Crystal x 3-5
Kazham Pepper x 10-22

* Earth Crystal
Lightning Crystal x 3
Black Pepper x 5-6
Carnation x 5-6

* Water Crystal
Fire Crystal x 9-10
Bay Leaves x 3-7

* Wind Crystal
Earth Crystal x 19-28
Sage x 5
Green Rock x 1
Little Worm x 8-12
Kazham Pepper x 20

* Ice Crystal
Chamomile x 8-11
Sleepshroom x 2

* Lightning Crystal
Water Crystal x 12
Sobbing Fungus x 1
Mhaura Garlic x 3-7
Little Worm x 12

* Light Crystal
White Rock x 1
Mhaura Garlic x 6-12

* Dark Crystal
Light Crystal x 2-4
Deathball x 1
Black Rock x 1-2
Amaryllis x 2-5

* No Crystal
Green Rock x 1
Amarylis x 7
Carnation x 6-9

- Fruit Seeds

* Fire Crystal + Fire Crystal
Ice Crystal x 4
Yagudo Cherry x 8-10

* Fire Crystal + Earth Crystal
Saruta Orange x 8-11

* Fire Crystal + Water Crystal
Saruta Orange x 9

* Fire Crystal + Wind Crystal
Saruta Orange x 8-9
Yagudo Cherry x 8-9

* Fire Crystal + Ice Crystal
Saruta Orange x 9-19
Yagudo Cherry x 8-9

* Fire Crystal + Lightning Crystal
Saruta Orange x 8

* Fire Crystal + Light Crystal

* Fire Crystal + Dark Crystal
Saruta Orange x 9
Yagudo Cherry x 8-10

* Fire Crystal + No Crystal

* Earth Crystal + Fire Crystal
Lightning Crystal x 4
San d�Oria Carrot x 8

* Earth Crystal + Earth Crystal
Lightning Crystal x 4
Eggplant x 5-10
Yellow Rock x 1

* Earth Crystal + Water Crystal
Watermelon x 6

* Earth Crystal + Wind Crystal
San d�Oria Carrot x 4

* Earth Crystal + Ice Crystal
Lightning Crystal x 5
San d�Oria Carrot x 4

* Earth Crystal + Lightning Crystal
San d�Oria Carrot 4-5

* Earth Crystal + Light Crystal

* Earth Crystal + Dark Crystal
Lightning Crystal x 4
San d�Oria Carrot x 9

* Earth Crystal + No Crystal
San d�Oria Carrot x 11

* Water Crystal + Fire Crystal
Watermelon x 5
Little Worm x 13

* Water Crystal + Earth Crystal
Watermelon x 4
Little Worm x 18

* Water Crystal + Water Crystal
Fire Crystals x 11
Watermelon x 7-8
Reishi Mushroom x 1
Blue Rock x 1

* Water Crystal + Wind Crystal
Watermelon x 5

* Water Crystal + Ice Crystal

* Water Crystal + Lightning Crystal
Fire Crystal x 10
Thunder Melon x 3-6
Little Worm x 6

* Water Crystal + Light Crystal
Watermelon x 4

* Water Crystal + Dark Crystal
Little Worm x 18

* Water Crystal + No Crystal
Reishi Mushroom x 1

* Wind Crystal + Fire Crystal
Saruta Orange x 11
Rolanberry x 12

* Wind Crystal + Earth Crystal
Earth Crystal x 8-12
Rolanberry x 10-12

* Wind Crystal + Water Crystal

* Wind Crystal + Wind Crystal
San d�Oria Grape x 7

* Wind Crystal + Ice Crystal
Rolanberry x 11-12

* Wind Crystal + Lightning Crystal
Earth Crystal x 10
Rolanberry x 10
Rock Salt x 3

* Wind Crystal + Light Crystal

* Wind Crystal + Dark Crystal
Rolanberry x 11-12

* Wind Crystal + No Crystal

* Ice Crystal + Fire Crystal
Wind Crystal x 18
Mithran Tomato x 12

* Ice Crystal + Earth Crystal

* Ice Crystal + Water Crystal
Wind Crystal 9-19
Buburimu Grape x 9-13

* Ice Crystal + Wind Crystal

* Ice Crystal + Ice Crystal
Wind Crystal x 16
Buburimu Grape x 4-13
Blue Rock x 1
Transparent Rock x 1

* Ice Crystal + Lightning Crystal
Mithran Tomato x 7

* Ice Crystal + Light Crystal

* Ice Crystal + Dark Crystal
Wind Crystal x 19
Mithran Tomato x 7-12

* Ice Crystal + No Crystal
Wind Crystal x 20
Saruta Cotton x 1

* Lightning Crystal + Fire Crystal
Derfland Pear x 11
Rock Salt x 4

* Lightning Crystal + Earth Crystal
Derfland Pear x 9
Rock Salt x 2

* Lightning Crystal + Water Crystal
Coral Fungus x 2
Rock Salt x 3

* Lightning Crystal + Wind Crystal
Derfland Pear x 8-9

* Lightning Crystal + Ice Crystal
Derfland Pear x 11
Rock Salt x 1-2

* Lightning Crystal + Lightning Crystal
Coral Fungus x 1-5
Purple Rock x 1
Rock Salt x 4

* Lightning Crystal + Light Crystal
Derfland Pear x 4

* Lightning Crystal + Dark Crystal
Derfland Pear x 9-11
Danceshroom x 1

* Lightning Crystal + No Crystal
Coral Fungus x 2
Wild Onion x 2

* Light Crystal + Fire Crystal
Red Rock x 1

* Light Crystal + Earth Crystal

* Light Crystal + Water Crystal

* Light Crystal + Wind Crystal

* Light Crystal + Ice Crystal

* Light Crystal + Lightning Crystal

* Light Crystal + Light Crystal
Dark Crystal x 4
Faerie Apple x 16
Reishi Mushroom x 1
White Rock x 2
Gold Ore x 3
Mithril Ore x 3
Silver Ore x 1

* Light Crystal + Dark Crystal

* Light Crystal + No Crystal
Rock Salt x 4
Faerie Apple x 12-16

* Dark Crystal + Fire Crystal
Yagudo Cherry x 16

* Dark Crystal + Earth Crystal
Light Crystal x 4
Saruta Orange x 19
Yagudo Cherry x 8-10

* Dark Crystal + Water Crystal
Blue Rock x 1
Danceshroom x 1

* Dark Crystal + Wind Crystal
Light Crystal x 3
Saruta Orange x 17

* Dark Crystal + Ice Crystal
Saruta Orange x 19-20
Yagudo Cherry x 8-10

* Dark Crystal + Lightning Crystal
Purple Rock x 1
Yagudo Cherry x 16

* Dark Crystal + Light Crystal

* Dark Crystal + Dark Crystal
Danceshroom x 1
Black Rock x 1-2

* Dark Crystal + No Crystal
Derfland Pear x 9
Amarylis x 6

* No Crystal + Fire Crystal

* No Crystal + Earth Crystal

* No Crystal + Water Crystal

* No Crystal + Wind Crystal

* No Crystal + Ice Crystal

* No Crystal + Lightning Crystal

* No Crystal + Light Crystal
Derfland Pear x 9
Rock Salt x 4

* No Crystal + Dark Crystal
Derfland Pear x 9

* No Crystal + No Crystal
Blue Rock x 1
Rock Salt x 3-4

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